About Us

A social enterprise promoting the benefits of a wilder Scotland for people and wildlife

Press releases

100,000 trees and £1m economic boost in rewilding network’s early years

A growing network of Scottish landholdings committed to rewilding has recorded dramatic ecological and economic impacts in its first two years.... read more

07.03.2023 • By Scotland: The Big Picture

Rewilding conference signals fresh thinking for Scotland’s land and seas

Against a backdrop of global biodiversity crashes and climate breakdown, a major conference in Stirling this September will examine how Scotland... read more

26.07.2019 • By Scotland: The Big Picture

New book looks at pros and cons of reintroducing lynx to Scotland

A stunning new book published by SCOTLAND: The Big Picture looks at what it might be like if the Eurasian lynx returned to Scotland. The Lynx... read more

11.04.2018 • By Scotland: The Big Picture
